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(Operated by Bookscape Co., Ltd., a group company.)

Display books & photo materials shop

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Display foreign books

Foreign books by theme

​Display Japanese book

​Dummy book

​Stock Photos

We have a wide variety of display Western books specializing in visual perspectives. Creating a more dramatic space is realizable by effectively using specific colors on key points of the display.

We have a large selection of display Japanese books specialized in visual perspectives. We gather appropriate books in accordance with the historical background of movies and stage sets.

We produce dummy books with original logos and graphics. In addition to presentations of the brands and concepts, dummy books are lightweight that makes them also ideal to be placed at high places.

Aligning genres and themes of books, more conceptual space design is realizable.

We collect suitable items according to

the customer's desire

We have an assortment of landscape photos taken in New York, LA, Hong Kong, Tokyo, and other cities that are indispensable for display direction. Photo data with no restrictions on use as well as printed posters are available for purchase.

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